We have compiled erotic images and videos from AV actress Arina Arata's Twitter (@Arina_aa9) in order of likes. Arina Hashimoto debuted as a gravure idol in December 2015 with the image video 'HACKTS Beautiful Girl Revolution Arina Hashimoto' (BAGUS), followed by a nude image video 'ALL NUDE Arina Hashimoto' (Aircontrol) in February of the next year. She then made her AV debut in March of the same year as an exclusive actress for the AV maker 'S1'. People who watched her debut work wrote reviews praising her looks, astonished by her extraordinary beauty. Her beauty is considered by some to be among the most beautiful in AV actress history. Regarding Arina Hashimoto's profile, she was born on December 15, 1996. Surprisingly, she is quite tall at 167cm, with abnormally long legs that are impressively lengthy.